Saturday, October 18, 2008


Okay, I know that I do not always voice my views, but I have been trying to decide who to vote for and what all these propositions are about. I have actually been thinking about just not voting. It all annoys me. I get so tired of all the mean things people say. Plus, it takes too much energy. Yes, I'm lazy. Usually I let people think how they want and keep my opinion to myself. Abortion and Gay marriage are huge right now. Being gay has become a fad. Kids of every age thinks it's cool to say "I'm gay." I see this every day at school. Usually I just roll my eyes and keep doing my job. But you know what? I'm tired of having to step aside for other peoples beliefs! Why are theirs more important than mine? Why can't I say "no, that is not right." I don't believe it, you are a freak." Because I would be wrong. I would be sued, sent to jail. What the heck! AND why is it so bad to kill in war but NOT an infant??? In war, the people have shown they are evil. True not always but at least they can SAY how they feel about it! Let's protect the drug addict that just killed a whole family for a hit and let millions of innocent babies die because "Oops, I made a mistake." So, yea, I'm mad and am venting about the injustices of the world. Honestly, will it make a difference? I think that's what makes me the most mad. It sucks!!


Shelli said...

I'm very involved in the prop 8 (traditional marriage) campaign. I visit and make comments on blogs. It's amazing how mean and hateful and intolerant the gay rights people are! It has made me so sad these last couple of weeks. I, too, wonder if it will make a difference. These are the latter days, you know? Of course, things will get more and more wicked. I'm thinking maybe it's less about changing the world and more about taking a stand, sharing my voice, and not being intimidated by the bullying of the other side.

I feel your pain!

Vidal's Nest said...

VOTE!VOTE!VOTE! I don't really like Mccain and BO is a idiot, but it's not just the presidency at stake it is these idiot judges that will be appointed.You know the ones? They legislate from the bench and force their immoral views on us! I have been on a roll lately feeling just like you that they are shoving this crap down my throat and we are intollerant and prejudiced if we do not agree with their points of view! I am so sick of the gays and lesbians on every channel and show. Sick, sick!

Shelli said...

Lauri is best known for her political correctness.


I have been really upset too. It makes me sick how little concern there is for the most defenseless in our society - our babies. When I feel my sweet boy move in my belly, I wonder how anyone could imagine that it is OK to take that life. I am 29 weeks now, and Obama supported letting 26 week old babies from botched abortions sit in dirty utility rooms for hours while they struggle to survive. It makes me sick. What kind of a society are we that we allow this kind of ugliness to be accepted? How wrong is that? He also said that he didn't want his daughters to be "punished" by a pregnancy. Are they being punished or just simply experiencing a normal and predictable consequence of sex? I am so sickened and saddened by this attitude. Our babies are our future and the change that will come to the future, not Obama. Sick pig! Anyway, he is disgusting as far as I am concerned. The judges he appoints, like Ginsberg and Breyer, will be in there longer than either Obama or McCain would be. That means that we would be stuck with those nasty freaks for years. That is enough to scare me into running to the polls.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Speak your mind, girl! Everyone else does, so why not you? I do think you should bite the bullet and vote, though. Choose the lesser of two evils. :)

Ginger said...

I think everyone will sigh a sigh of relief when this is over. Not only is all my friends worried about the gay marriage, but at work everyone is scared BO will be elected and the Real Estate market will never recover. Not a fun time!

:cassia marie: said...

i hate politics. there is so much junk in the world to have to deal with. i can understand recognizing minorities, but giving them the preference? what about the majority? especially gays? they are going against all that is natural anyways! idk. obama seems to be just a lot of talk. but what do i know??

:cassia marie: said...

by the way.
i love you.


i think we'll be leaving for home about dec 17th. hopefully as early as possible that wednesday!